

Junior School

A school where everyone can succeed

School Improvement Priorities

 Key Improvement Priorities 2023-24


Quality of Education                       

  • A consistent and effective approach to the use of feedback and marking addresses misconceptions, clarifies learning and provides guidance for next steps, acknowledging effort as appropriate (LLPR focus)
  • A fully resourced synthetic phonics programme is embedded across the school to enable children to become fluent readers (Ofsted priority)  
  • Through carefully planned opportunities, children are able to demonstrate the use of enhanced vocabulary, grammar and literary features enabling them to write at Greater Depth
  • Maths outcomes for SEND pupils are improved through effective use of the SEN maths toolkit (LLPR focus)
  • Through carefully planned opportunities, children are able to demonstrate Mastery and Reasoning, enabling them to achieve Greater Depth in Maths
  • The curriculum sensitively represents Equality and Diversity in order to educate and increase visibility and representation of minority communities.


Personal Development

  • The personal development, mental health, wellbeing and character of all pupils is enhanced through bespoke provision (Stormbreak, Explore to learn, Lego therapy, play leaders, Curriculum ambassadors, School Council & Travel team)
    • All Children develop a toolkit of coping methods to support their Mental Health and Wellbeing through the implementation of ‘Stormbreak’


Behaviour & Attitudes

  • Pupils consistently have highly positive attitudes, respect & commitment to their education and that of others
    • Children are more able to effectively manage emotions, through the development of zones of regulation, promoting positive interactions throughout the school day
    • Behaviour incidents are more effectively recorded and analysed, leading to more focussed intervention and a reduction in behaviour incidents.


Leadership & Management

  • Bespoke coaching and mentoring programmes enhance the quality of teaching by all staff at all levels
  • Clearly defined Intent, Implementation, and Impact ensures a strategic approach to whole school initiatives (LLPR focus)
  • Children play and active role in the shaping and monitoring of the curriculum and key aspects of School Improvement