

Junior School

A school where everyone can succeed

School Improvement Priorities

 Key Improvement Priorities 2024-25


Quality of Education                       


  • To ensure that summative assessment evaluations impact upon the quality of the core and foundation curriculum and teaching delivery, through targeted high-quality teaching, interventions and feedback (Maths SEND, SEND Reading intervention, combined pupil progress meetings, QLA, Maths Whizz intervention) in order to:

- increase the number of pupils achieving ARE combined

- increase the percentage of pupils achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing, Maths

- support SEND children to make accelerated progress

-support disadvantaged children in closing the attainment gap

  • Enhance the learning environment across the school so that it promotes a sense of belonging, independence and provides scaffolds as appropriate



Personal Development

  • To ensure that the wider curriculum promotes opportunities for children to develop interests and talents and supports their mental health and wellbeing (Curriculum ambassadors, visual learning journeys for children to articulate, school council, mental health workshops, Stormbreak, Explore to Learn, Forest School)


Behaviour & Attitudes


  • Children are empowered to take charge of their behaviour through the development of a toolkit to support them when challenges arise (Kit Messenger)

-To continue to reduce the number of persistent absentees



Leadership & Management

  • To implement a strategic plan of CPD, linked to performance management, that results in improving the quality of education (focus on ‘Close to’ and Combined, Maths toolkit, Inclusion manager, Kit Messenger, SEND provision, E&D, Governors)