These videos below demonstrate how Addition & Subtraction at Grange Junior School is taught in Year 4.
In Year 4, children build upon their understanding of Addition & Subtraction from Year 3 and should have a strong understanding of the place value of 3digit numbers.
They are taught to add & subtract numbers using the formal column method where an understanding of the value each digit is used to efficiently reach answers to calculations.
These strategies prepare children for working with larger calculations as they head up through their education.
Column addition with carrying of digits in all columns
This video demonstrates how formal column Addition is taught in Year 4. This example shows 3 digit numbers with carrying. In year 4, the children work with numbers up to 4 digits but apply this method to 4 digit calculations.
Using Column Subtraction with exchanging
This video demonstrates how formal column Subtraction is taught in Year 4. The video will show you how to subtract using the formal column method. It explains how to exchange tens for ones or hundreds for tens. In year 4, the children work with numbers up to 4 digits and can apply this method to calculations working with 4 digit numbers.