

Junior School

A school where everyone can succeed

Year 6

The Year 6 Team:


Teacher: Mrs Smith

LSA: Mrs Mack

Mrs Webber


Teacher: Mrs Cohen

LSA: Mrs Furber


Teacher: Miss Seddon

LSA: Mrs Armstrong




Year Six curriculum overview 2022 - 2023

Curriculum Maps 2022 - 2023

Homework Expectations

Things to Remember!


  • Our PE days are Monday mornings (for all classes) and Tuesday afternoon (for 6SLS & 6TC) and Friday afternoon (for 6AJ).

  • We are still asking that all children come into school, on those days, dressed in their PE kit (so that they do not need to change). All children will need to be dressed in an appropriate PE kit.


  • You don't need to bring lots of things from home - just the essentials: packed lunch box, water bottle and coat;
  • Homework (6SLS and 6TC) will be handed out on a Friday to be handed back in the following Friday. 6AJ will have their homework handed out on Tuesdays to be handed back on the following Tuesday. This will consist of a minimum 3x spellings, a minimum of 3x reading (to be recorded in school reading record), times tables practice and a maths and literacy sheet.


School trips

Watercress line

6SLS 28th September

6AJ 6th October 

6TC 13th October
